Working Groups

THOR Endorsed Publications

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Publication Working Group Leaders

Jeremy Cannon, MD, SM, FACS, Col (Ret.), USAF Reserve, MC

Dr. Cannon is Professor of Surgery at the University of Pennsylvania where he serves as the Surgeon Champion for the Penn Medicine-US Navy Trauma Training Partnership. He is a graduate of the US Air Force Academy and Harvard Medical School and holds a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from MIT. He served on active duty in the US Air Force from 2006 to 2015 as a trauma surgeon. He deployed to both Iraq and Afghanistan during that time and retired as a Colonel in the US Air Force Reserve in 2023. His research interests include improving outcomes from hemorrhagic shock, developing technology for the management of acutely injured patients, and military-civilian trauma training partnerships.

Col Prof Tom Woolley

Col Prof Tom Woolley is the Emeritus Defence Professor of Military Anaesthesia and Critical Care and Honorary Professor at Beth University of Plymouth.. He is a consultant anaesthetist in the Army who’s NHS work takes place at Derriford Hospital, Plymouth. Tom has an interest in Hepato-biliary and colorectal anaesthesia. Research interests include Trauma resuscitation, with a focus in blood based resuscitation and the management of trauma induced coagulopathy. He is a member of The Trauma Hemostasis and Oxygenation research network and a member of the NATO Blood Panel, lead for the MOD’s Blood Far Forward programme, Oxygen Far Forward and a Co-Investigator in the SWIFT Trial (Study of Whole blood In Frontline Trauma)

THOR Network Position Papers

Trauma Hemostasis and Oxygenation Research Network Position Paper on the Role of Hypotensive Resuscitation As Part of Remote Damage Control Resuscitation: Click to Read

THOR- AABB Working Party Recommendations for a Prehospital Blood Product Transfusion Program: Click to Read

It is Time to Reconsider Leukoreduction of Whole Blood For Use in Patients With Life-Threatening Hemorrhage: Click to Read

U.S. Cities Will Not Meet Blood Product Resuscitation Standards During Major Mass Casualty Incidents: Results of a THOR-AABB Working Party Prospective Analysis: Click to Read

Trauma Hemostasis and Oxygenation Research Position Paper on Remote Damage Control Resuscitation: Definitions, Current Practice, and Knowledge Gaps: Click to Read

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