Blood Far Forward was initiated by the Norwegian Naval Special Operation Commando in 2010 and collaborators and participants today includes: Dep. of Immunology and Transfusion medicine Haukeland University Hospital, The Norwegian Armed Forces Medical Services, Norwegian Special Operation Command, Norwegian Army Special Operation Commando and US Army Institute of Surgical Research.
The aim is to improve battlefield survival by developing a safe method for pre- hospital whole blood transfusions. The model is based on “buddy transfusion” and field blood bank. US Forces in WWII established what could be termed “Field Blood Banks”, where whole blood was collected from immediately available donors and used on site immediately (“Buddy Transfusion”), or banked, or delivered as far forward as possible for pre-hospital resuscitation.
The project will last for three years, and will have a Project Steering Committee,
and a Project Management Team. The SMO at NORNAVSOC (MJK) is the principal
investigator, and the project will be open to include new participants.