
The THOR Network Foundation

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The THOR Network was founded in 2010 with a mission to improve outcomes for patients with traumatic hemorrhagic shock through education, training, advocacy, and research. The THOR Network Foundation was founded in 2018 with the goal of raising funds to support the THOR Network’s mission and is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization based in the United States.

With over 600 members across 30 countries, The THOR Network’s ability to improve care, and change practice globally has been very successful. Training and education programs have been held in many countries across multiple continents that have led to a change in practice in the resuscitation of bleeding trauma patients. Research performed by THOR Network investigators to determine optimal resuscitation methods have been presented to the FDA which has resulted in increased availability of platelets.

THOR Network research has also led to changes in blood banking standards at hospitals that have expanded the use of blood products, to include whole blood in prehospital and in-hospital settings. Ongoing trials continue to determine if these changes definitively improve survival in patients with severe bleeding.

Foundation 1 - THOR
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Foundation 3 - THOR

Impact to date

THOR Network training programs have been held in many countries across multiple continents that have led to a change in practice in the resuscitation of bleeding trauma patients. THOR leadership has collaborated with the United Nations and the World Health Organization to establish and improve transfusion programs in austere environments. THOR has also developed an online training course for austere environments that may require point of care whole blood collections and transfusions.

The course has been taken by over 10,000 prehospital providers internationally. The course has been translated to Ukranian at the request of the Ukranian Army for its use to train their military medics and providers. The course has been used to train approximately 2,000 Ukranian providers.

THOR Network education programs have been led by THOR internationally in locations such as Norway, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Israel, Australia and Brazil. In each of these locations the educational programs have facilitated and/or accelerated change in practice to improve outcomes for life-threatening hemorrhage. The THOR Network also publishes a scientific journal each year that summarizes the data presented at the annual symposium. The publications from this journal rank in the top 10% of all similar manuscripts in the field of trauma and transfusion medicine.

Research performed by THOR Network investigators has been very impactful. Our research has led to changes in blood banking standards internationally, the FDA changing its regulations to improve access to platelets, and has led to the development of international clinical trials that will definitively determine optimal transfusion strategies for both children and adults with life-threatening bleeding.

THOR Network research has also led to changes in blood banking standards at hospitals that have expanded the use of blood products, to include whole blood in prehospital and in-hospital settings. Ongoing trials continue to determine if these changes definitively improve survival in patients with severe bleeding.


The THOR Network Foundation supports projects that aim to improve outcomes for patients with any cause of severe bleeding. Donations to the THOR Network Foundation will be used for:

How To Get Involved

To donate to the THOR Foundation or to inquire about a project that you are interested in supporting please contact Dr. Philip C. Spinella at

The THOR Network Foundation welcomes individual and corporate donations and grants.

THOR Foundation Director

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Philip C. Spinella, MD, FCCM

Professor, Department of Surgery and Department of Critical Care Medicine, University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA USA

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As an alloimmunized mother, I know firsthand how overwhelming and terrifying this condition can be. During my first alloimmunized pregnancy I realized that I had to navigate a very complex medical landscape by myself and I felt very let down by my medical community. That’s why the work of the THOR Network means so much to me and many other women facing similar challenges. I’ve been so impressed by their commitment to improving healthcare practices for alloimmunized mothers and their children. They not only provide cutting-edge research and best practices but also demonstrate genuine compassion for the unique struggles we face. They go out of their way to ensure that providers understand the importance of early screening and advanced care for HDFN, making a real difference in the lives of families like mine. Through the THOR Network’s dedication, I feel hopeful that more women will receive the care they deserve, and that fewer babies will face the risks of HDFN. I am deeply grateful for their tireless work and their unwavering support in advocating for us.

Bethany Weathersby

Executive Director
Allo Hope Foundation

Thanks for the THOR Network’s leadership in re-introducing whole blood resuscitation for trauma patients in shock and for forming the THOR Network, so that innovators in this field can collaborate more effectively. The THOR Network has been instrumental in saving many hundreds of lives. Our country is truly blessed to have the THOR Network guiding the care that we provide to our combat wounded and civilians with severe trauma. It has been a tremendous pleasure to work with the THOR Network.

"Tell Them Yourself" Authors

CAPT (ret) Frank Butler
Former Chair, DoD Committee on TCCC
Former Command Surgeon, US Special Operations Command

COL (ret) Kevin O'Connor
Physician to the President
Former Command Surgeon, Special Forces Operating Detachment "Delta"

Battalion Fire Chief, Jeff Butler
Former SEAL officer
Former CIA Case Officer

THOR has provided me with a very unique opportunity to expand my practice of transfusion medicine beyond the laboratory. Prior to my first THOR meeting a decade ago, I had not really thought about what happens to the blood that we issue for patients with life threatening bleeding; clinicians order it, we send it, they transfuse it…but this is far from all that transfusion medicine specialists can provide during (and between) these resuscitations. Through THOR, I have become a more well rounded practitioner. Personally interacting with many different users of blood products has let me collaborate on projects that improve patient safety and outcomes – there is a large unmet need for blood transfusions for patients with life threatening hemorrhage of which I was unaware until THOR gave me the opportunity to meet the frontline users of blood products, hear their stories, and work together to bring blood to those who need it the most. Collaborating with some of the most important thought leaders in damage control resuscitation has helped me implement new transfusion strategies and expanded the realms in which I work beyond what I could have done on my own.

Mark Yazer, MD

Professor of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh,
Visiting Professor in Pathology, Tel Aviv University,
Adjunct Professor of Clinical Immunology, University of Southern Denmark,
United Nations subject matter expert for Hemotherapy and Emergency Medicine,
Subject matter expert for the European Union effort to improve transfusion services in Ukraine,
Associate Medical Director, Centralized Transfusion Service

The THOR Network translates key lessons learned from combat casualties to the seriously injured civilian. A prime example is the return to in-hospital resuscitation with whole blood, and additionally extended to prehospital care. The broader use of prehospital tourniquets and TXA, and introduction of REBOA are other compelling examples. The core Network represents diverse viewpoints of military and civilian providers, including prehospital, emergency department, surgery, and critical care. This environment is enriched with basic investigators expert in resuscitation physiology and coagulation biology. The audience also includes virtually all relevant funding agencies, including NIH, DOD, BARDA, and industry.

Ernest E. Moore, MD

Director of Surgery Research, Ernest E. Moore Shock Trauma Center
Distinguished Professor of Surgery, University of Colorado Denver

THOR represents a unique connection between “consumers” (pre-hospital and in-hospital caregivers), experts, and professionals from various fields—trauma and resuscitation specialists, surgeons, emergency medicine and intensive care physicians, blood bankers, hematologists, and researchers (both basic and clinical)—who collaborate to improve the response to injured patients and save lives. This is a truly unique network, and the mutual enrichment, leadership, and professionalism of the partners, along with their dedication and direct engagement, greatly enhance effectiveness. For us, the pre-hospital caregivers, this is an essential platform for learning, renewal, exploring new ideas, and creating collaborations. The changes led by the organization have translated and continue to translate into real improvements that have helped us and many others around the world to save lives—and for that, we are deeply grateful!

Elon Glassberg, MD, MHA, MBA

Brigadier General, Israeli Defence Forces
Prof. of Surgery- Bar Ilan University, Adjunct Professor- USUHS

THOR has been a key driving force in improving the methods and capabilities used to resuscitate bleeding military and civilian casualties. Much more than just another conference, from promulgating the results of persuasive bench research, to facilitating interactions between blood suppliers and clinicians that have led to capability development and regulatory reform, to developing training materials for Emergency Blood Collection used by numerous partner nations, THOR has been a major force in reducing mortality from life-threatening haemorrhage.

Brigadier Michael Reade AM

Defence Professor of Military Medicine and Surgery
Joint Health Command
Australian Defence Force

THOR has been integral as a platform for communication between military and civilian trauma and to help the trauma research community understand the rapidly evolving priorities in military medicine. Also, THOR has admirably spread the science of resuscitation after injury and led an international dialogue about best practices in trauma resuscitation. This has shaped research priorities for my program and many others.  We greatly appreciate the resources and opportunities created by the THOR Network.

Matthew D. Neal, MD FACS

Watson Chair and Professor of Surgery, Vice Chair of Surgery, Academic Training,
Director of Emergency General Surgery, Co-Director Pittsburgh Trauma and Transfusion Medicine Research Center,
Professor of Clinical and Translational Science and Critical Care Medicine (secondary appointments)

Since its foundation more than a decade ago, THOR has continued to drive and advocate for innovation in trauma care and transfusion medicine. Their collaborative and persistent spirit fuels synergy between medical experts, government institutions, and the biotech/med tech industry, which is unique. A determined focus on the ready availability of safe and effective treatments for life-threatening bleeding in both civilian and military settings is having a lasting impact

Obi Greenman

President and CEO,
Cerus Corporation

The disruptive and revolutionary effects of this passionate and purposeful Network have truly driven international change in both military and civilian prehospital resuscitative care.

Sean Keenan, MD FAAEM FAWM COL (ret.), US Army

Special Operations Medical Association

As we begin our journey towards a robust prehospital blood resuscitation capability in New Zealand, partnering with the THOR network allows us to leverage international best practice so that we don’t make the same mistakes others have made in the past. The science, application and training is all there, able to help us grow capability quickly and efficiently.
Alex McDonald,

Kaitiaki Ora | Tactical Medicine New Zealand

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The THOR Network is proud to collaborate with leading institutions and experts worldwide.

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Aabb Thor Network - THOR
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