An international multidisciplinary network of civilian and military providers ranging from first responders and medics to critical care physicians and from basic scientists to clinical trialists.
VISION: To improve outcomes from traumatic hemorrhagic shock by optimizing the acute phase of resuscitation.
MISSION: To develop and implement best practices for prehospital care through to the completion of the acute phase of hemorrhagic shock resuscitation.
The THOR Foundation and THOR Research Institute have been developed to facilitate achieving our mission and vision in a collaborative, multidisciplinary manner with academia, government agencies, and industry.
The annual THOR symposium is a key meeting for experts in trauma care, transfusion medicine, basic science, and clinical trials. It aims to share knowledge and foster partnerships to advance hemostatic resuscitation. This multidisciplinary event features presentations from medics, prehospital providers, scientists, and trialists, covering clinical practice, mechanisms, and trial data to integrate all aspects of resuscitative medicine. A primary focus is on prehospital care and optimizing hemostatic resuscitation through the acute hospital phase. The symposium uniquely unites first responders, clinicians, blood bankers, academicians, government, and industry, balancing civilian and military perspectives. Our symposium has accelerated basic and translational science, rapidly changing damage control and hemostatic resuscitation practices internationally in both civilian and military contexts.